Typical challenges
Poor visibility of leading indicators resulting in frequent performance surprises
Perpetually expediting, granting of exceptions, fire fighting and chaotic execution resulting in cost over-runs and poor ROI on investments
Sales team is busy and stressed with high levels of activity with low effectiveness
Data inconsistencies result in delayed and sub-optimal decision making
Sales machine is under-prepared to take advantage of large opportunities
What we do
Evaluate sales planning process – long range plan, budget, forecast, outlook & actual performance
Review effectiveness and application of core sales processes and policiers & how exceptions are dealt with
> B2B – prospecting, lead generation, funnel management, pitching, deal management, margin maximization, etc
> B2C – retail footprint, resource deployment, new product launch, partner recruitment, extended sales team, data reporting, etc
Test robustness of sales data stewardship, digitization & governance
Solutions we provide
Opportunities to tighten the sales planning process to improve predictability
Address gaps and inconsistencies in the critical sales processes and policies with best practices
Recommend information management framework that covers actions to address data gaps, enhance data management and making available insights at the moment of truth
Establish a sales operations drumbeat encompassing sales planning, execution & performance management enabling the team to meet its numbers